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Digital Kindergarden



Play & sports kindergarten

Unser Sound: Ihr, wir, uns, alle zusammen
00:00 / 02:43
Start: Willkommen
Start: Über uns

Our educational concept

Games, sports and fun or also
Feel - move - learn

Movement makes you curious, open and stimulates the senses.
For us, movement is synonymous with being moved. It is our aim to accompany every single kindergarten child and crèche child as best as possible on their way into further life. We put trust in the abilities of the children and accept them in their individuality with their preferences, needs and abilities in order to challenge and encourage them appropriately.





The special focus of our kindergarten is the structured and reliably recurring, child-appropriate sports program, which is integrated into everyday kindergarten and day-care life and represents a fixed point of reference there. Our sports lessons are 45 minutes for the kindergarten children and 30 minutes for the crèche children. They take place for each kindergarten group on 4 days of the week, once a day in the morning. The crèche children do gymnastics twice a week. Within a week, the kindergarten children can consolidate and expand their motor skills in 4 different sports.


healthy, fresh cuisine
We cook ourselves every day!

Start: Unsere Mission

Two kindergarten groups

A crib group

Sport concept


opening hours

Start: Öffnungszeiten
Start: Galerie

Kindergarten year 2020/2021

Full day groups
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Special opening times
7.30 a.m. - 8 a.m.

Support association

The sponsoring association of the "Osnabrück Play and Sports Kindergarten eV" was founded in 1992.

It supports and complements the educational work in the kindergarten in an ideal and financial way through:

• Expansion and renovation of the playground
• New acquisitions (e.g. game material / interior equipment)
• Various activities (eg parties, lectures, training for employees
• Contacts with the city and with cultural institutions

The development association can only carry out these tasks in close cooperation with parents, educators and a committed group of friends. We need your help for this - regardless of whether through active participation and / or donations.

We therefore ask you: Join the development association.
You will receive the declaration of membership in the kindergarten.

Board of the Association:

Chair: Rut Grahl
1st representative: Dr. Charlotte Wiese-Metreveli
Treasurer: Dr. Christian Unnewehr

Secretary: Stefanie Bölke


Kindergarten & crèche

Start: Impressum


Osnabrück Play & Sports Kindergarten eV
Upper Martinistr. 50a
49078 Osnabrück


Phone: 05 41/4 38 05
Fax: 05 41/60 07 93 04



Head: Nadine Schmidtpott

Jointly authorized to represent by:
1. Board of Directors: Frank Thörner-Tamm
2. Board of Directors: Dirk Bölke
Treasurer: Heike Unnewehr
Secretary: Nico Respondek

Register of associations: VR 2513

Register court: Osnabrück

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